Traditional Chinese Medicine

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?  TCM, sometimes referred to as Eastern Medicine, is an ancient medicine that dates back at least 3,000 years ago.  It is practiced today as a complete and holistic medical system to maintain or return one to health. Chinese Medicine has proven effective at benefiting a wide variety of issues, including Pain Management, Digestive issues, Emotional support, Chronic Fatigue, TMJ, Headaches, Infertility, and much more! Modalities include Acupuncture, Herbal Remedies, Cupping, Gua-Sha & Tuina



Acupuncture is a natural, drug-free therapy that promotes feelings of relaxation and well-being by working with your nervous system to encourage self-healing.  Fine, sterile, single-use needles are placed at specific acupoints located on meridian pathways of the body, often near peripheral nerves.   These points are carefully selected through your intake and diagnosis to aid in balancing the bodies systems, increase circulation and reduce inflammation.  


Cupping, Gua-Sha and Tuina

Traditional Chinese modalities that are used, as needed, to further move and circulate the Qi and stimulate blood flow.  Cupping aids in lifting the fascia layer up off the muscle to promote deeper healing.  Gua-sha, similar to cross-fiber friction in a deep tissue massage, utilizes a jade tool to create micro tears in the muscle, which speeds up the healing of certain injuries and can relieve pain. Tuina, also known as Asian Massage, encompasses a range of massage techniques to aid in recovery.  

Herbal Remedies

Herbs, and combination of herbs into formulations, are a powerful compliment to your healing.  Herbal Remedies and Acupuncture are the two main components to Traditional Chinese Medicine.  Herbs are used to strengthen, build, and support the body or to clear it of excess problems like a cold, fever, or acute pain.  Jennifer has partnered with Crane Herbs, an herbal lab in Northern California, that uses the top manufacturing standards to put together any custom formula that may be prescribed to you and will mail it directly to your door.  They are in full compliance with evolving HIPAA, FDA, cGMP, and Labeling regulations.



First Session

90 - 120 minutes $250

Your first session includes a comprehensive review and intake of your medical history, a consultation, and an acupuncture treatment.  If time remains, I am happy to work in other healing modalities as well. This is an important session to develop a working diagnosis of any imbalances within your body, mind and spirit, so please take your time in filling out your intake before your appointment for your own benefit. Herbal formulas can be discussed during this session if you are interested, although it usually takes a few sessions to confirm we are moving in the right direction concerning herbal remedies.


Follow-up Sessions

60 min   •   75 min   •   90 min   •   120 min

Choose the length of time you'd like to relax.  After your initial session, this session will continue to aid you in finding peace and balance.

60 minute session will typically allow for a 10 minute consultation of any changes within your body, a reassessment of your pulse and tongue diagnostics, and  an acupuncture treatment.  This is a great option if you have limited time or are looking for a repeat treatment

75 minute session an acupuncture based session that encompasses an acupuncture treatment, as well as an extra 20 minutes for other modalities such as herbal consult, cupping, guasha, yoga, soft tissue or energy work.

90 minute session an acupuncture based session that allows enough time for either two rounds of acupuncture (both face up and face down on the table to access multiple points), or a one sided treatment with an extra 30 minutes for a combination of acupuncture, herbal consult, cupping, guasha, yoga, soft tissue or energy work.

120 minute session The Big Kahuna! An acupuncture based session that allows enough time for either two rounds of acupuncture (both face up and face down on the table to access multiple points), with an extra 30 minutes for a combination of acupuncture, herbal consult, cupping, guasha, yoga, soft tissue or energy work. Or, one round of acupuncture with an additional 60 minutes to focus on other energy/bodywork modalities in your session. A great combination with sufficient time to really relax and move inward.