In 2001, Jennifer discovered the healing benefits that yoga offers in helping to stretch and strengthen muscles, while calming and centering the mind and breath.  She completed her teacher certification in 2005 from 8 Limbs Yoga, one of the top studios in Seattle, Washington.  She has continued to take trainings under teachers such as Sarah Powers, Ana Forrest, and Amy Weintraub through the years following.  Her favorite style to teach is Yin Yoga, which is a therapeutic approach.  Each restorative posture is held for a minimum of 3 minutes to allow a slow, cautious stretch in the connective tissue, with focus from the knees to upper back.  However, she has studied many styles of yoga and chooses to take a little from each, so her teachings often combine Yin, Anasura, Vinyasa and Hatha. Her goal in private teachings is to set you up with a home practice, and give you the confidence to safely join group classes.  


Please use the link below to schedule an in studio session and specify in booking that you are interested in yoga.  If you prefer a house call or a session on the beach (the beach is an ideal place to relax), please contact me directly.  

Each one-on-one session includes a short consult, guided postures, and a follow-up e-mail of the asanas we practiced.